Yes, of course we knew our classmate who made curfew checks with Coach Holtz would become a four-star general one day. Sure we did! In all seriousness, General Bryan Fenton always possessed a maturity beyond his years. If there was a harder job on campus than serving as Coach’s senior manager, we never saw it. General Fenton toiled in the darkness (literally) as the senior manager’s duties and obligations never seemed to end. The senior manager is truly a selfless servant and no manager served the program better than General Fenton.

General Bryan Fenton

From those humble beginnings General Fenton’s success is not surprising. Nor is it surprising that he has made a most successful career out of selfless military service. He inspires, he empowers and he motivates by his words and actions. He learned the importance of diversity and inclusion in the locker room and he values the role every member of the team must play for an organization to be successful. Our Nation’s sons and daughters in today’s volunteer military are blessed to be led by a person of General Fenton’s character and caliber. We’re blessed to call him a brother.
Thank you, General Fenton. May God bless you and America.

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